⇦ | bluedevil [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:15 [UTC]

Metadata for bluedevil in main

org.kde.plasma.bluetooth - 4:5.20.5-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: addon
ID: org.kde.plasma.bluetooth
Package: bluedevil
- org.kde.plasmashell
  he: בלוטוס
  zh_TW: 藍牙
  eu: Bluetooth
  tg: Bluetooth
  ca@valencia: Bluetooth
  az: Bluetooth
  nb: Bluetooth
  ja: Bluetooth
  de: Bluetooth
  pt_BR: Bluetooth
  ia: Bluetooth
  zh_CN: 蓝牙
  gl: Bluetooth
  nn: Bluetooth
  pt: Bluetooth
  ru: Bluetooth
  el: Bluetooth
  fr: Bluetooth
  C: Bluetooth
  da: Bluetooth
  uk: Bluetooth
  lt: Bluetooth
  ca: Bluetooth
  sk: Bluetooth
  ro: Bluetooth
  sv: Blåtand
  ast: Bluetooth
  it: Bluetooth
  es: Bluetooth
  ar: بلوتوث
  ko: 블루투스
  sl: Bluetooth
  en_GB: Bluetooth
  tr: Bluetooth
  id: Bluetooth
  cs: Bluetooth
  sr: Блутут
  fi: Bluetooth
  bs: Blutut
  et: Bluetooth
  pl: Bluetooth
  hu: Bluetooth
  pa: ਬਲੂਟੁੱਥ
  sr@ijekavian: Блутут
  nl: Bluetooth
  sr@ijekavianlatin: Bluetooth
  sr@latin: Bluetooth
  he: שליטה ומצב הבלוטוס
  ml: ബ്ലൂടൂത്ത് സ്റ്റാറ്റസും നിയന്ത്രണവും
  eu: Bluetooth egoera eta kontrola
  tg: Вазъият ва идоракунии Bluetooth
  zh_TW: 藍牙狀態與控制
  ca@valencia: Estat i control del Bluetooth
  az: Bluetooth vəziyyəti və idarə edilməsi
  nb: Bluetoothstatus og styring
  ja: Bluetooth の状態と制御
  de: Bluetooth-Status und -steuerung
  pt_BR: Status e controle do Bluetooth
  ia: Stato e controlo de Bluetooth
  zh_CN: 蓝牙状态和控制
  pt: Estado e controlo do Bluetooth
  nn: Status og styring for Bluetooth
  gl: Control e estado de Bluetooth
  ru: Состояние и управление Bluetooth
  el: Κατάσταση και έλεγχος Bluetooth
  fr: État et contrôle du Bluetooth
  C: Bluetooth status and control
  da: Bluetooth-status og -kontrol
  uk: Стан Bluetooth і керування ним
  lt: Bluetooth būsena ir valdymas
  ca: Estat i control del Bluetooth
  sk: Stav a ovládanie Bluetooth
  ro: Starea și controlul Bluetooth
  sv: Bllåtandstatus och kontroll
  it: Stato e controllo del Bluetooth
  es: Estado y control de Bluetooth
  ar: حالة بلوتوث والتّحكّم بها
  ko: 블루투스 상태와 제어
  sl: Stanje Bluetootha in nadzor
  en_GB: Bluetooth status and control
  tr: Bluetooth denetim ve durum izleme
  id: Status dan kendali bluetooth
  cs: Stav a ovládání Bluetooth
  sr: Стање и управљање блутутом
  fi: Bluetoothin tila ja hallinta
  et: Bluetoothi olek ja juhtimine
  pl: Stan i obsługa Bluetooth
  hu: Bluetooth állapot és vezérlés
  pa: ਬਲੂਟੁੱਥ ਹਾਲਤ ਅਤੇ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ
  sr@ijekavian: Стање и управљање блутутом
  nl: Status en besturing van bluetooth
  sr@ijekavianlatin: Stanje i upravljanje Bluetoothom
  sr@latin: Stanje i upravljanje Bluetoothom
  C: David Rosca <nowrep@gmail.com>
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
  homepage: https://kde.org/plasma-desktop
  donation: https://www.kde.org/donate.php?app=org.kde.plasma.bluetooth
  - name: bluedevil_preferences-system-bluetooth.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: bluedevil_preferences-system-bluetooth.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: bluedevil_preferences-system-bluetooth.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/kde/plasma.bluetooth/cc7aefbbedcbe608a5735c4be540f08d/icons/128x128/bluedevil_preferences-system-bluetooth.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: preferences-system-bluetooth