⇦ | calibre [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:15 [UTC]

Metadata for calibre in main

calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop - 5.12.0+dfsg-1+deb11u1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop
Package: calibre
  C: calibre - E-book Viewer
  sv: Läs e-böcker i över ett dussin olika format
  lv: Lasīt e-grāmatas vairāk nekā duci dažādos formātos
  es: Leer libros en más de una docena de formatos distintos
  pt: Ler ebooks numa dezena de formatos diferentes.
  ca: Llegiu llibres electrònics en una dotzena de formats diferents
  it: Leggi e-book in oltre dieci formati diversi
  de: Lesen Sie eBooks in über einem Dutzend verschiedener Formate
  et: Loe paljudes eri formaatides e-raamatuid
  fr: Lire des livres numériques dans plus d'une douzaine de formats différents
  pl: Umożliwia czytanie e-booków w wielu różnych formatach
  C: Read e-books in over a dozen different formats
  uk: Читання електронних книг понад десяти форматах
  cs: Číst e-knihy ve více než tuctu různých formátů
  ms: Baca e-buku melangkaui sedozen format yang berlainan
  pt_BR: Leia e-books em mais de uma dúzia de diferentes formatos
  zh_CN: 可以阅读的电子书格式多达十余种
  is: Lestu rafbækur á mörgum mismunandi sniðum
  nl: Lees E-boeken in meer dan een dozijn formaten
  ru: Читайте электронные форматы более чем в дюжине форматов
  sv: >-
    <p>calibre e-bokvisaren tillåter att du läser e-böcker i över ett dussin olika format.</p>

    <p>Den har ett helskärmsläge för distraktionsfri läsning och kan visa texten med flera spalter per skärm.</p>
  lv: >-
    <p>Calibre e-grāmatu skatītājs ļauj lasīt e-grāmatas vairāk nekā duci dažādos formātos.</p>

    <p>Tai ir pilnekrāna režīms netraucētai lasīšanai un tā spēj attēlot uz ekrāna vairākas teksta slejas.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>El visor de libros de calibre le permite leer libros en más de una docena de formatos diferentes.</p>

    <p>Tiene un modo de pantalla completa para lectura sin distracciones y puede mostrar el texto a varias columnas por pantalla.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>O visualizador de livros do Calibre permite-lhe ler livros digitais em dezenas de formatos diferentes.</p>

    <p>Tem um modo de visualização em ecrã inteiro para permitir a leitura sem distracções e pode mostras o texto em múltiplas
    colunas por ecrã.</p>
  ca: >-
    <p>El visor de llibres electrònics del calibre us permet llegir llibres electrònics en una dotzena de formats diferents.</p>

    <p>Té mode de pantalla completa per a una lectura lliure de distraccions i pot mostrar el text en diverses columnes per
  it: >-
    <p>Il visualizzatore di libri elettronici di calibre ti permette di leggerli in più di una dozzina di formati differenti.</p>

    <p>È presente una modalità a schermo intero per la lettura senza distrazioni che può mostrare il testo in colonne multiple
    per display.</p>
  ja: >-

  de: >-
    <p>Calibres eBook-Betrachter ermöglicht Ihnen das Lesen von eBooks in den unterschiedlichsten Formaten.</p>

    <p>Er besitzt einen Vollbildmodus für ablenkungsfreies Lesen und kann Text in mehreren Spalten pro Bildschirm anzeigen.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>La Visionneuse de livres numériques vous permet de lire des livres numériques dans plus d'une douzaine de formats différents.</p>

    <p>Il a un mode pleine page pour la lecture exempte de distraction et peut montrer le texte avec des colonnes multiples
    par écran.</p>
  et: >-
    <p>calibre E-raamatute vaatur võimaldab sul lugeda paljudes eri formaatides e-raamatuid.</p>

    <p>Sellel on täisekraanirežiim, et lugemisel tähelepanu ei hajuks, ja suudab teksti näidata mitmes tulbas ekraanil.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Czytnik książek calibre umożliwia czytanie e-booków w wielu różnych formatach.</p>

    <p>Ma tryb pełnoekranowy dla wygody czytania i może wyświetlać tekst w wielu kolumnach.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>За допомогою програми для перегляду електронних книг calibre ви зможете читати книги у будь-якому з понад десятка форматів.</p>

    <p>Щоб вам було зручніше читати, передбачено режим розгортання вікна програми на весь екран та показу тексту на екрані
    у декілька стовпців.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>The calibre E-book viewer allows you to read e-books in over a dozen different formats.</p>

    <p>It has a full screen mode for distraction free reading and can display the text with multiple columns per screen.</p>
  cs: >-
    <p>Prohlížeč e-knih Calibre vám umožňuje číst e-knihy ve více než tuctu různých formátů.</p>

    <p>Má režim na celou obrazovku pro čtení bez rozptylování a může zobrazit text s více sloupci na obrazovku.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>calibre 电子书阅读器可以阅读的电子书格式多达十余种</p>

  pt_BR: >-
    <p>O Visualizador de e-books do calibre permite a leitura de e-books em mais de uma dezena de formatos diferentes.</p>

    <p>Tem um modo de tela cheia para distração de leitura livre e pode exibir o texto com várias colunas por tela.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Читалка calibre поддерживает более дюжины форматов электронных книг.</p>

    <p>В ней есть полноэкранный режим для чтения без отвлекающих факторов, а текст можно отображать в несколько колонок.</p>
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0
- Graphics
- Viewer
  homepage: https://calibre-ebook.com/
  - name: calibre_calibre-viewer.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: calibre_calibre-viewer.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: calibre_calibre-viewer.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/icons/128x128/calibre_calibre-viewer.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: calibre-viewer
  - calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop
  - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
  - application/x-cb7
  - image/vnd.djvu
  - application/x-cbr
  - application/x-sony-bbeb
  - text/x-markdown
  - application/xhtml+xml
  - application/x-cbz
  - application/x-mobipocket-ebook
  - application/ereader
  - application/x-mobipocket-subscription
  - application/pdf
  - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
  - text/html
  - application/oebps-package+xml
  - text/rtf
  - application/x-mobi8-ebook
  - application/epub+zip
  - application/x-ruby
  - text/plain
  - application/x-cbc
  - text/fb2+xml
  - application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroenabled.12
- default: true
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-1_1248x702.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1408
    height: 792
- thumbnails:
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-2_1248x702.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-2_752x423.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-2_624x351.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-2_224x126.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-viewer.desktop/3a8ad920272ba305fa4e5b68f4da21e5/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 1920
    height: 1080
    social-info: mild
    money-purchasing: mild

calibre-lrfviewer.desktop - 5.12.0+dfsg-1+deb11u1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: calibre-lrfviewer.desktop
Package: calibre
  C: LRF viewer
  C: Viewer for LRF files (SONY ebook format files)
  C: >-
    <p>Calibre is a complete e-library solution. It includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion,
    e-book viewer and editor, and e-book reader sync features.</p>

    <p>Calibre is primarily an e-book cataloging program. It manages your e-book collection for you. It is designed around
    the concept of the logical book, i.e. a single entry in the database that may correspond to e-books in several formats.
    It also supports conversion to and from a dozen different e-book formats.</p>

    <p>Calibre supports almost every single e-Reader (e.g., Kindle, Kobo, Nook) and is compatible with more devices with every
    update. Calibre can transfer your e-books from one device to another in seconds, wirelessly or with a cable. It will send
    the best file format for your device converting it if needed, automatically.</p>

    <p>Calibre can automatically fetch news from a number of websites/RSS feeds, format the news into a e-book and upload
    to a connected device.</p>

    <p>Calibre has also a built-in e-book viewer that can display all the major e-book formats.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Calibre is a complete e-library solution. It includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion,
    e-book viewer and editor, and e-book reader sync features.</p>

    <p>Calibre is primarily an e-book cataloging program. It manages your e-book collection for you. It is designed around
    the concept of the logical book, i.e. a single entry in the database that may correspond to e-books in several formats.
    It also supports conversion to and from a dozen different e-book formats.</p>

    <p>Calibre supports almost every single e-Reader (e.g., Kindle, Kobo, Nook) and is compatible with more devices with every
    update. Calibre can transfer your e-books from one device to another in seconds, wirelessly or with a cable. It will send
    the best file format for your device converting it if needed, automatically.</p>

    <p>Calibre can automatically fetch news from a number of websites/RSS feeds, format the news into a e-book and upload
    to a connected device.</p>

    <p>Calibre has also a built-in e-book viewer that can display all the major e-book formats.</p>
- Graphics
- Viewer
  - name: calibre_calibre-viewer.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: calibre_calibre-viewer.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: calibre_calibre-viewer.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: c/ca/calibre-lrfviewer.desktop/93f1cc8d384ce0e088c2d3aaefb65970/icons/128x128/calibre_calibre-viewer.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: calibre-viewer
  - calibre-lrfviewer.desktop
  - application/x-sony-bbeb

calibre-ebook-edit.desktop - 5.12.0+dfsg-1+deb11u1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: calibre-ebook-edit.desktop
Package: calibre
  C: calibre - E-book Editor
  es: Modificar texto y estilos dentro de los libros
  lv: Labot tekstu un stilu e-grāmatas iekšpusē
  sv: Redigera texten och format inuti böcker
  ja: 電子書籍内のテキストとスタイルを編集
  pt: Editar o texto e o estilo dentro de livros
  de: Text und Styles innerhalb von eBooks bearbeiten
  pl: Edycja tekstu i stylów wewnątrz książki
  et: Muuda e-raamatutes olevaid teksti ja laade
  fr: Editer le texte et les styles à l'intérieur des livres numériques
  uk: Редагування тексту і стилів у електронних книгах
  C: Edit the text and styles inside e-books
  cs: Upravit text a styly uvnitř e-knih
  ms: Sunting teks dan gaya di dalam e-buku
  pt_BR: Edita textos e modelos em e-books
  zh_CN: 编辑电子书中的文本和样式
  nl: Bewerk de tekst en stijlen in de e-boeken
  ru: Редактируйте текст и стили внутри электронной книги
  es: >-
    <p>El editor de libros electrónicos de calibre le permite modificar el texto y estilo del libro con previsualización en
    tiempo real de los cambios.</p>

    <p>Puede editar libros en formatos EPUB y AZW3 (kindle). Incluye varias herramientas útiles para detectar errores en el
    libro, modificar el índice, realizar limpiezas automáticas, etc.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>O editor do Calibre permite-lhe editar o texto e os estilos dentro de um livro com pré-visualização das alterações
    em tempo real.</p>

    <p>Pode editar livros em formatos EPUB e AZW3 (Kindle). Incluí várias ferramentas úteis para verificar o livro por erros,
    editar as tabelas de conteúdos, efetuar limpezas, etc.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>L'éditeur de livre numérique de calibre vous permet d'éditer le texte et les styles dans le livre avec une prévisualisation
    directe de vos changements.</p>

    <p>Il peut éditer des livres tant aux formats EPUB qu'AZW3 (Kindle). Il inclut divers outils utiles pour examiner le livre
    : décelant les erreurs, éditant la Table des Matières, exécutant des nettoyages automatisés, etc.</p>
  cs: >-
    <p>Editor e-knih Calibre vám umožňuje upravit text a styly uvnitř knihy s živým náhledem vašich změn.</p>

    <p>Může upravit knihy ve formátech EPUB a AZW3 (kindle). Zahrnuje různé užitečné nástroje pro kontrolu chyb v knize, úpravu
    obsahu, provedení automatizovaných čištění atd.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Edytor e-booków Calibre umożliwia edycję tekstu i stylów w książce z podglądem na żywo zmian.</p>

    <p>Umożliwia edycję książek w formacie EPUB i AZW3 (kindle). Zawiera wiele użytecznych funkcji pozwalających na sprawdzanie
    błędów, edycję spisu treści, automatyczne porządkowanie itp.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>calibre 电子书编辑器允许您编辑本书中的文本和样式, 并对所做的更改进行实时预览。</p>

    <p>它可以编辑 EPUB 和 AZW3 (Kindle) 格式的书籍。它包括各种有用的工具,可用于检查书籍的错误,编辑目录,执行自动清理等。</p>
  ja: >-

  sv: >-
    <p>Med calibre E-bokredigeraren kan du redigera text och format inne i boken med en direkt förhandsgranskning av dina

    <p>Det kan redigera böcker i både EPUB- och AZW3 (kindle)-format. Den innehåller flera användbara verktyg för kontroll
    av boken för fel, redigera innehållsförteckningen, utföra automatiserade rengöringar, o.s.v.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>O editor de E-books do calibre permite que você edite o texto e os estilos dentro do livro com uma visualização em
    tempo real de suas alterações.</p>

    <p>Pode editar livros, nos formatos EPUB e AZW3 (kindle). Ele inclui várias ferramentas úteis para a verificação de erros
    do livro, edição do Índice, realizando limpezas automáticas, etc.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>The calibre E-book editor allows you to edit the text and styles inside the book with a live preview of your changes.</p>

    <p>It can edit books in both the EPUB and AZW3 (kindle) formats. It includes various useful tools for checking the book
    for errors, editing the Table of Contents, performing automated cleanups, etc.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>За допомогою редактора книг calibre ви зможете редагувати текст та стилі у книзі і бачити наслідки внесених змін у
    інтерактивному режимі.</p>

    <p>Передбачено можливості з редагування книг у форматах EPUB та AZW3 (kindle). Також можна скористатися різноманітними
    корисними інструментами для пошуку помилок у книзі, редагування змісту, виконання автоматичного чищення коду книги тощо.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Редактор электронных книг calibre позволяет редактировать текст и стили в книге с предпросмотром изменений в реальном

    <p>Он может редактировать книги в форматах EPUB или AZW3 (kindle) и включает различные полезные функции для проверки книги
    на ошибки, редактирования оглавления, автоматической очистки, и т. д.</p>
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0
- Office
  homepage: https://calibre-ebook.com/
  - name: calibre_calibre-ebook-edit.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: calibre_calibre-ebook-edit.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: calibre_calibre-ebook-edit.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/icons/128x128/calibre_calibre-ebook-edit.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: calibre-ebook-edit
  - calibre-ebook-edit.desktop
  - application/epub+zip
  - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
  - text/html
  - application/xhtml+xml
  - application/x-mobi8-ebook
- default: true
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-1_1248x702.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1408
    height: 792
- thumbnails:
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-2_1248x702.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-2_752x423.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-2_624x351.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-2_224x126.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 1408
    height: 792
- thumbnails:
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-3_752x487.png
    width: 752
    height: 487
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-3_624x404.png
    width: 624
    height: 404
  - url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-3_224x145.png
    width: 224
    height: 145
    url: c/ca/calibre-ebook-edit.desktop/3539ca86cfa2545a1b9cc0c2c97f048e/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 887
    height: 575
    social-info: mild
    money-purchasing: mild

calibre-gui.desktop - 5.12.0+dfsg-1+deb11u1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: calibre-gui.desktop
Package: calibre
  C: calibre
  sv: En samlad lösning för alla dina e-bokbehov
  lv: Vienas pieturas risinājums visām jūsu e-grāmatu vajadzībām
  es: La solución integral a todas sus necesidades con los libros electrónicos
  he: חבילת הפתרונות הכוללת עבור הספרים הדיגיטליים שלך
  ja: あなたの電子書籍ニーズに合ったワンストップソリューション
  it: La soluzione unica per tutto ciò che riguarda i libri elettronici
  pt: A solução centralizada para todas as suas necessidades de livros digitais
  de: Die Komplettlösung für alle Ihre eBook-Bedürfnisse
  lt: Vieno žingsnio sprendimas visoms jūsų el. knygų reikmėms.
  et: Vahepeatusteta lahendus kõigile sinu e-raamatute vajadustele
  pl: Jedna odpowiedź na wszystkie twoje potrzeby związane z e-bookami
  fr: La solution ultime à tous vos besoins en livres numériques
  el: Το μόνο πρόγραμμα που χρειάζεστε για τη διαχείριση των ψηφιακών σας βιβλίων
  C: The one stop solution to all your e-book needs
  cs: Univerzální řešení pro všechny potřeby e-knih
  uk: Універсальний засіб для роботи з електронними книгами
  ms: Penyelesaian sehenti untuk semua keperluan e-buku anda
  pt_BR: A solução unificada para tudo o que você precisa em e-books.
  zh_CN: 所有电子书需求的一站式解决方案。
  ar: الحل ذو المحطة الواحدة لكل احتياجاتك من الكتب الالكترونية
  nl: De complete oplossing voor al uw E-boek wensen
  ru: Одно решение для всех ваших нужд, связанных с электронными книгами
  es: >-
    <p>calibre es la solución única para todo lo relacionado con libros electrónicos.</p>

    <p>Puede usar calibre para catalogar los libros, obtener sus metadatos automáticamente, convertirlos entre los distintos
    formatos de libro electrónico, enviarlos a los dispositivos de lectura, leer libros en el equipo, modificar los libros
    en un editor específico e incluso hacer que estén disponibles en línea con el servidor de contenido. También puede descargar
    noticias y publicaciones periódicas en formato de libro electrónico desde más de mil sitios web de noticias y revistas.</p>
  lv: >-
    <p>calibre ir vienas pieturas risinājums visām Jūsu e-grāmatu vajadzībām.</p>

    <p>Jūs varat izmantot calibre, lai katalogā iekļautu grāmatas, automātiski tās iegādātos, tās pārvērstu no un uz dažādiem
    e-grāmatu formātiem, nosūtītu tās uz jūsu e-grāmatu lasītāja ierīci, lasītu grāmatas jūsu datorā, labot grāmatas izvēlētajā
    e-grāmatu redaktorā un pat padarīt tās pieejamas visā tīklā ar iebūvēto satura serveri. Jūs varat arī lejupielādēt jaunumus
    un periodiskos izdevumus e-grāmatu formātā no vairāk nekā tūkstošiem dažādu ziņu un žurnālu vietnēm.</p>
  sv: >-
    <p>calibre är en samlad lösning för alla dina e-bokbehov.</p>

    <p>Du kan använda calibre för att katalogisera dina böcker, hämta metadata för dem automatiskt, konvertera dem från och
    till alla de olika e-bokformat, skicka dem till dina e-bokläsenheter, läsa böcker på datorn, redigera böckerna i en dedikerad
    e-bokredigerare och även göra dem tillgängliga via nätverket med den inbyggda innehållsservern. Du kan också hämta nyheter
    och tidskrifter i e-bokformat från över tusen olika nyhets- och tidningswebbplatser.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>O Calibre é a solução centralizada para todas as suas necessidades ligadas a livros digitais.</p>

    <p>Pode usar o Calibre para catalogar os seus livros, obter metadados automaticamente, converter entre diversos formatos
    de ebook, enviar livros para dispositivos de leitura, ler os livros no seu computador, editar os livros num editor dedicado
    e ainda torná-los disponíveis numa rede através do servidor de conteúdos que vem incorporado. Pode também descarregar
    notícias e jornais, em formato de ebook, de milhares de sítios de jornais e revistas.</p>
  ja: >-

  it: >-
    <p>calibre è la soluzione definitiva ai tuoi problemi con gli ebook.</p>

    <p>Potete usare Calibre per catalogare i vostri libri, recuperare i metadati per loro automaticamente, convertirli da
    e in tutti i vari formati di e-book, inviarli ai vostri dispositivi di lettura di e-book, leggere i libri sul vostro computer,
    modificare i libri in un editor di e-book dedicato e persino renderli disponibili in rete con il Content server integrato.
    Potete anche scaricare notizie e periodici in formato e-book da oltre un migliaio di diversi siti web di notizie e riviste.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Calibre ist die Komplettlösung für Ihre eBook Bedürfnisse.</p>

    <p>Mit Calibre können Sie Ihre eBooks verwalten, sie automatisch mit Metadaten anreichern, sie zwischen verschiedenen
    eBook-Formaten konvertieren und an Ihren Reader senden. Lesen Sie Ihre eBooks direkt im integrierten Reader oder ändern
    Sie sie im eBook-Editor. Sie können Ihre eBooks mit Hilfe des integrierten Inhalteservers sogar für andere Nutzer in Ihrem
    Netzwerk verfügbar machen. Mehr als 1000 verschiedene Nachrichten- und Zeitschriften-Websites stehen in Calibre bereits
    zur Verfügung, um Artikel im eBook-Format herunterzuladen.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>calibre est la solution ultime pour tous vos besoins par rapport aux livres numériques</p>

    <p>Vous pouvez utiliser calibre pour cataloguer vos livres, rapatrier des métadonnées les concernant, les convertir depuis
    et vers tous les formats de livre numérique existants, les envoyer à vos périphériques de lecture, lire les livres sur
    votre ordinateur, éditer les livres dans un éditeur spécialisé et même les rendre disponibles via votre réseau, avec le
    Serveur de contenu intégré. Vous pouvez également télécharger des actualités et des périodiques au format numérique depuis
    un millier de sites web d'actualités et de magazines différents.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>calibre to jedna odpowiedź na wszystkie twoje potrzeby związane z e-bookami.</p>

    <p>Możesz użyć Calibre do katalogowania swoich książek, automatycznego pobierania dla nich metadanych, konwertowania ich
    do różnych formatów e-booków, wysyłania ich do czytników e-booków, czytania książek na komputerze, edytowania książek
    w dedykowany edytor e-booków, a nawet udostępniaj je w sieci za pomocą wbudowanego serwera treści. Możesz także pobierać
    wiadomości i czasopisma w formacie e-booków z ponad tysiąca różnych witryn z wiadomościami i magazynami.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>calibre — програма, за допомогою якої ви зможете зробити з вашою книгою усе, що потрібно.</p>

    <p>Ви можете скористатися calibre для каталогізації ваших книг, автоматичного отримання метаданих щодо книг, перетворення
    даних книги у один з багатьох форматів електронних книжок, надсилання книг на пристрої для читання електронних книг, читання
    книг на вашому комп’ютері, редагування книг у спеціалізованому редакторі для електронних книг і навіть оприлюднення книг
    у мережі за допомогою вбудованого сервера. Крім того, ви зможете отримувати новини та періодичні видання у форматі електронної
    книги з понад тисячі різноманітних сайтів новин та журналів.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>calibre is the one stop solution to all your e-book needs.</p>

    <p>You can use calibre to catalog your books, fetch metadata for them automatically, convert them from and to all the
    various e-book formats, send them to your e-book reader devices, read the books on your computer, edit the books in a
    dedicated e-book editor and even make them available over the network with the built-in Content server. You can also download
    news and periodicals in e-book format from over a thousand different news and magazine websites.</p>
  cs: >-
    <p>Calibre je jediné řešení pro všechny potřeby vašich e-knih.</p>

    <p>Calibre můžete používat pro zařazení vašich knih do katalogu, automatické načítání jejich metadat, jejich převedení
    z a do všech různých formátů e-knih, jejich odesílání do vašich zařízení čteček e-knih, čtení knih na počítači, úpravě
    knih ve vyhrazeném editoru a dokonce jejich zpřístupnění na síti pomocí vestavěného Serveru s obsahem. Můžete také stahovat
    zprávy a periodika ve formátu e-knihy z více než tisíce různých webových stránek se zprávami a časopisy.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>calibre 是你所有电子书需求的一站式解决方案。</p>

    <p>你可以使用 calibre 对图书进行编目、自动获取元数据、将它们从各种电子书格式转换为各种电子书格式、将它们发送到电子书阅读器设备、在计算机上阅读图书、在专用的电子书编辑器中编辑图书,甚至通过内置的内容服务器使它们在网络上可获得。你也可以从一千多个不同的新闻和杂志网站下载电子书格式的新闻和期刊。</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>O calibre é a solução de uma parada a todas as suas necessidades de e-book.</p>

    <p>Você pode usar o calibre para catalogar seus livros, buscar automaticamente metadados para eles, convertê-los de e
    para todos os vários formatos de e-books, enviá-los para os seus dispositivos de leitura de e-books, ler os livros no
    seu computador, editar os livros em um editor dedicado de e-books e até mesmo torná-los disponíveis através da rede com
    o servidor de conteúdo interno. Você também pode baixar notícias e periódicos em formato de e-book de milhares websites
    diferentes de notícias e revistas.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Calibre is de complete oplossing voor al uw E-boek wensen.</p>

    <p>U kunt Calibre gebruiken om uw boeken te catalogiseren, automatisch metagegevens voor ze op te halen, ze van en naar
    alle verschillende e-book formaten te converteren, ze naar uw e-reader  te sturen, de boeken op uw computer te lezen,
    de boeken wijzigen in een speciale e-book editor en de boeken zelfs beschikbaar stellen via het netwerk met de ingebouwde
    inhoudsserver. U kunt ook nieuws en tijdschriften downloaden in e-book formaat van meer dan duizend verschillende nieuws-
    en tijdschriften websites.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>calibre - это комплексное решение для всех ваших нужд при работе с электронными книгами.</p>

    <p>Вы можете использовать calibre для каталогизации своих книг, автоматически получать метаданные для них, конвертировать
    книги между форматами, отправлять их на читалки, читать книги на компьютере, редактировать книги в выделенном редакторе
    электронных книг и даже сделать их доступными по сети через встроенный контент-сервер. Вы также можете загружать новости
    и журналы с сайтов в формате электронных книг.</p>
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0
- Office
  homepage: https://calibre-ebook.com/
  - name: calibre_calibre-gui.png
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  stock: calibre-gui
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  - text/fb2+xml
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  - x-scheme-handler/calibre
- default: true
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-1_1248x702.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1408
    height: 792
- thumbnails:
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-2_1248x702.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-2_752x423.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-2_624x351.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-2_224x126.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 1408
    height: 792
- thumbnails:
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-3_1248x702.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-3_752x423.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-3_624x351.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-3_224x126.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: c/ca/calibre-gui.desktop/cbbb45aa55cf89b5d028ef2d023e0dac/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 1408
    height: 792
- version: 5.12.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1614297600
    C: >-
      <p>New features:</p>

        <li>E-book viewer: When searching start the search from the current position, jumping to the first match at or after
      the current page (Closes tickets: 1915773)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Have the Table of Contents view automatically scroll to keep the chapter being read currently visible
      (Closes tickets: 1916411)</li>
        <li>Various improvements to the calibre template language, see https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=337573</li>
        <li>Edit book: File browser: Show total size of items in category when hovering over category with mouse</li>
        <li>Kobo driver: Add support for latest firmware and also an option to choose the color used for cover letterboxing</li>

      <p>Bug fixes:</p>

        <li>E-book viewer: Fix selection popup bar sometimes going off screen when dragging up to the top line of text (Closes
      tickets: 1915685)</li>
        <li>Get books: Update the Biblio and Chitanka stores for website changes</li>
        <li>Edit book: Fix editing of JavaScript files not working (Closes tickets: 1915770)</li>

      <p>New news sources:</p>



      <p>Improved news sources:</p>

        <li>Harper's Magazine</li>
- version: 5.11.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1613088000
    C: >-
      <p>New features:</p>

        <li>Edit book: Add a tool to split the tag at the current cursor position, creating a new tag with the same style
      and class attributes. To add the tool go to the Toolbars section in the editor preferences (Closes tickets: 1912958)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Show the URL when hovering over external links (Closes tickets: 1911107)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Redesign the reference mode to also work on touch screens without a mouse. Now in reference mode
      paragraph numbers are displayed for all paragraphs</li>
        <li>Edit book: Allow Ctrl-clicking on class names to jump to the first style rule that matches the tag and class</li>
        <li>Content server: When browsing highlights for a book allow selecting multiple highlights to delete or export quickly</li>
        <li>Allow creating keyboard shortcuts to copy show and view URLs for selected books to clipboard (Closes tickets:
        <li>calibredb: Add a timeout option to control the timeout when connecting to the calibre server</li>

      <p>Bug fixes:</p>

        <li>Content server: Fix dragging selection handles not working in Safari (Closes tickets: 1913854)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Fix links with a href of "#" not working (Closes tickets: 1915303)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Hide the controls when clicking the back or forward buttons</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: When jumping to a highlight using the highlights panel, the back button should return to position
      before jump (Closes tickets: 1914921)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Fix incorrect tooltip when hovering over a section title in the search results list (Closes tickets:
        <li>HTMLZ Output: Fix a regression in calibre 5 that broke creating HTMLZ documents when using the option to place
      CSS inline</li>

      <p>New news sources:</p>



      <p>Improved news sources:</p>

- version: 5.10.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1611273600
    C: >-
      <p>New features:</p>

        <li>Bulk metadata edit: Add a new control to compress the cover image files for all selected books (Closes tickets:
        <li>Add support for the CB7 comic file file format (Closes tickets: 1912212)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Allow adding a button to the selection bar that copies the currently selected text along with a
      calibre:// URL to show the text in the book (Closes tickets: 1912070)</li>
        <li>Conversion: Insert metadata: Allow showing identifiers such as ISBN in the jacket page template</li>
        <li>Conversion: Insert metadata: Allow hiding entries in the jacket template when they are not present in the metadata</li>
        <li>calibre-server --manage-users: Add a scriptable interface: calibre-server --manage-users -- help (Closes tickets:
        <li>E-book viewer: Add keyboard shortcuts to copy the current location to the clipboard (Closes tickets: 1912070)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Highlight all currently visible Table of Contents entries, not just the first (Closes tickets:
        <li>Add a new tweak under Preferences-&gt;Tweaks-&gt;Author sort name algorithm to optionally recognize common surname
      prefixes such as von, van, de, etc. when generating sort names.</li>

      <p>Bug fixes:</p>

        <li>E-book viewer: Move read aloud pop-up bar to the bottom of the screen in flow mode (Closes tickets: 1911470)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Fix scrolling with two fingers on touch pad on macOS not smooth (Closes tickets: 1911218)</li>
        <li>PDF Output: When converting fixed layout input documents fix anchors inserted for navigation sometimes being rendered
      as blue boxes (Closes tickets: 1911466)</li>
        <li>Edit book: Remove unused CSS: Fix selectors that don't match from CSS rules containing multiple selectors not
      being removed (Closes tickets: 1904350)</li>
        <li>Bulk metadata download: Fix series number not being changes if the series is the same as the existing series</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Fix a regression that caused non-HTML descriptions to not be displayed in the metadata page</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Fix clock being displayed in 24 hr format on some systems even though system locale is set to use
      12 hr format.</li>
        <li>Bulk metadata edit: Fix regression that inverted the meaning of the case sensitivity setting in the Search &amp;
      replace tab</li>
        <li>calibredb list: Fix incorrect output when redirecting to file</li>
        <li>5.10.1 fixes a regression in 5.10.0 that broke conversion when including metadata as a jacket page and using long
      text custom columns</li>

      <p>New news sources:</p>



      <p>Improved news sources:</p>

        <li>Japan Times</li>
        <li>The Wall Street Journal</li>
- version: 5.9.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1610064000
    C: >-
      <p>New features:</p>

        <li>Annotations: Allow exporting highlights and bookmarks in Markdown format, with a link to open the book at the
      highlight location</li>
        <li>Content server viewer: Allow exporting all highlights (Closes tickets: 1909529)</li>
        <li>Icon rules editor: Add a button to open the icons folder (Closes tickets: 1909339)</li>
        <li>Quickview: Dropdown menu for all selectable columns (Closes tickets: 1909258)</li>

      <p>Bug fixes:</p>

        <li>Fix a regression that caused the Content server to crash if a client closed a connection during a file transfer
      on macOS and Linux. (Closes tickets: 1909880, 1906152)</li>
        <li>LRF Output: Fix conversion broken in calibre 5 when font size rescaling is active (Closes tickets: 1909224)</li>
        <li>E-book viewer: Cancel any speech in progress when hiding the selection popup bar after triggering the speak aloud
      action on it</li>
        <li>Color/icon rules editor: Fix duplicate rule button not working correctly (Closes tickets: 1909332)</li>
        <li>Fix dropping files onto Book details causing an error if the confirmation dialog is disabled (Closes tickets:

      <p>New news sources:</p>

        <li>Mallorca Zeitung by VoHegg</li>
        <li>T-Online by VoHegg</li>
        <li>El Diario by Dirk Gómez</li>

      <p>Improved news sources:</p>

        <li>General Knowledge Today</li>
        <li>El Pais</li>
        <li>USA Today</li>
        <li>WirtchaftsWoche Online</li>
        <li>The Guardian</li>
        <li>Miami Herald</li>
        <li>The Seattle Times</li>
    social-info: mild
    money-purchasing: mild