⇦ | clawsker [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:15 [UTC]

Metadata for clawsker in main

clawsker.desktop - 1.3.4-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: clawsker.desktop
Package: clawsker
  C: Clawsker
  nb: Tweaker For Claws Mail
  es: Un ajustador de Claws Mail
  fr: Éditeur d'options cachées de Claws Mail
  ca: Un configurador del Claws Mail
  de: Editor für Claws Mails "versteckte" Einstellung
  pt-BR: Ajustes finos no Claws Mail
  nl: Een Claws Mail Tweaker
  id: Pengulik Claws Mail
  it: Un tweaker per Claws Mail
  C: A Claws Mail tweaker
  tr: Claws Mail Aracı
  sr: Фино штеловање скривених поставки за Claws Mail
  sv: Tweaker för Claws Mail
  sr-Latn: Fino štelovanje skrivenih postavki za Claws Mail
  C: >-
    <p>Clawsker is an applet to edit the so called Claws Mail hidden preferences.</p>

    <p>Claws Mail is a fast, lightweight and feature-rich MUA with a high number of configurable options. To keep the binary
    small and fast some of these preferences which not widely used are not provided with a graphical interface for inspection
    and/or modification.</p>

    <p>Users wanting to edit such preferences had to face raw edition of their configuration files, now you can do it with
    a convenient GTK+3 interface using Clawsker. In addition to hidden preferences, windows positions and/or sizes and keyboard
    shortcuts can be edited.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Clawsker is an applet to edit the so called Claws Mail hidden preferences.</p>

    <p>Claws Mail is a fast, lightweight and feature-rich MUA with a high number of configurable options. To keep the binary
    small and fast some of these preferences which not widely used are not provided with a graphical interface for inspection
    and/or modification.</p>

    <p>Users wanting to edit such preferences had to face raw edition of their configuration files, now you can do it with
    a convenient GTK+3 interface using Clawsker. In addition to hidden preferences, windows positions and/or sizes and keyboard
    shortcuts can be edited.</p>
- Utility
  - hidden
  - preferences
  - configuration
  - name: clawsker_clawsker.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: clawsker_clawsker.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: clawsker_clawsker.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: c/cl/clawsker.desktop/1069d6bc4a1723fc30c0ab9fda533ef7/icons/128x128/clawsker_clawsker.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: clawsker
  - clawsker.desktop