⇦ | diffuse [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:15 [UTC]

Metadata for diffuse in main

diffuse.desktop - 0.6.0-2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: diffuse.desktop
Package: diffuse
  es: Diffuse utillaje de textos
  pt: Diffuse Ferramenta de união
  cs: Diffuse
  pl: Diffuse Narzędzie Scalania
  de: Diffuse Mischwerkzeug
  ko: Diffuse 병합도구
  ja: Diffuse マージツール
  it: Diffuse - strumento di unione
  th: Diffuse - เครื่องมือผสานแฟ้ม
  C: Diffuse Merge Tool
  ru: Diffuse Инструмент Слияния
  zh-TW: Diffuse 比較合併工具
  sv: Diffuse sammanfogningsverktyg
  zh-CN: Diffuse 比较合并工具
  es: Un utillaje para juntar y comparar archivos de texto
  pt: Ferramenta gráfica para unir e comparar ficheiros de texto
  cs: Grafický nástroj pro slučování a porovnávání textových souborů
  pl: Graficzne narzędzie do łączenia i porównywania plików tekstowych
  de: Werkzeug zum Mischen und Vergleichen von Textdateien
  ko: 텍스트 파일을 병합하고 비교하기위한 도구
  ja: テキストファイルをマージして比較するためのグラフィックツール
  it: Strumento grafico per l'unione e il confronto di file
  th: เครื่องมือแบบกราฟิกสำหรับเปรียบเทียบและผสานแฟ้มข้อความ
  C: Graphical tool for merging and comparing text files
  ru: Графический инструмент для слияния и сравнения текстовых файлов
  zh-TW: 比較與合併文字檔案的圖形化工具
  sv: Grafiskt verktyg för jämförelse och sammanfogning av textfiler
  zh-CN: 图形化的比较和合并文本文件的工具
  C: >-
    <p>Diffuse is a graphical tool for merging and comparing text files. Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of
    files side-by-side and gives users the ability to manually adjust line-matching and directly edit files. Diffuse can also
    retrieve revisions of files from bazaar, CVS, darcs, git, mercurial, monotone, Subversion and GNU Revision Control System
    (RCS) repositories for comparison and merging.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Diffuse is a graphical tool for merging and comparing text files. Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of
    files side-by-side and gives users the ability to manually adjust line-matching and directly edit files. Diffuse can also
    retrieve revisions of files from bazaar, CVS, darcs, git, mercurial, monotone, Subversion and GNU Revision Control System
    (RCS) repositories for comparison and merging.</p>
- Development
  - viewer,diff,editor,text
  - name: diffuse_diffuse.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: diffuse_diffuse.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: diffuse_diffuse.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: d/di/diffuse.desktop/7c29f9a91be63bc3e2121454dabb4d1c/icons/128x128/diffuse_diffuse.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: diffuse
  - diffuse.desktop
  - text/plain
  - text/x-csrc
  - text/x-chdr