⇦ | electrum [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:15 [UTC]

Metadata for electrum in main

electrum.desktop - 4.0.9-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: electrum.desktop
Package: electrum
  en-US: Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
  C: Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
  C: Lightweight Bitcoin Client
  C: >-
    <p>This package provides a lightweight Bitcoin client which protects you from losing your bitcoins in a backup mistake
    or computer failure. Also, Electrum does not require waiting time because it does not download the Bitcoin blockchain.</p>

    <p>Features of Electrum:</p>

    <p>  * Instant on: Your client does not download the blockchain. It uses a     network of specialized servers that index
    the blockchain.   * Forgiving: Your wallet can be recovered from a secret seed.   * Safe: Your seed and private keys are
    encrypted on your hard drive.     They are never sent to the servers.   * Low trust: Information received from the servers
    is verified using     SPV. Servers are authenticated using SSL.   * No downtimes: Your client is not tied to a particular
    server; it     will switch instantly if your server is down.   * Ubiquitous: You can use the same wallet on different
    computers, they     will synchronize automatically.   * Cold Storage: Sign transactions from a computer that is always    
    offline. Broadcast them using a machine that does not have your keys.   * Reachable: You can export your private keys
    into other Bitcoin     clients.   * Established: Electrum is open source and was first released in     November 2011.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package provides a lightweight Bitcoin client which protects you from losing your bitcoins in a backup mistake
    or computer failure. Also, Electrum does not require waiting time because it does not download the Bitcoin blockchain.</p>

    <p>Features of Electrum:</p>

    <p>  * Instant on: Your client does not download the blockchain. It uses a     network of specialized servers that index
    the blockchain.   * Forgiving: Your wallet can be recovered from a secret seed.   * Safe: Your seed and private keys are
    encrypted on your hard drive.     They are never sent to the servers.   * Low trust: Information received from the servers
    is verified using     SPV. Servers are authenticated using SSL.   * No downtimes: Your client is not tied to a particular
    server; it     will switch instantly if your server is down.   * Ubiquitous: You can use the same wallet on different
    computers, they     will synchronize automatically.   * Cold Storage: Sign transactions from a computer that is always    
    offline. Broadcast them using a machine that does not have your keys.   * Reachable: You can export your private keys
    into other Bitcoin     clients.   * Established: Electrum is open source and was first released in     November 2011.</p>
- Finance
- Network
  - name: electrum_electrum.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: electrum
  - electrum.desktop
  - x-scheme-handler/bitcoin