Type: desktop-application
ID: gmpc.desktop
Package: gmpc
he: לקוח נגן המוסיקה של GNOME
nb: Gnome musikkavspiller-klient
de: Gnome Music Player Client
ms: Klien Pemain Musik Gnome
oc: Client de lectura de musica GNOME (gmpc)
pt: Um reprodutor de música Gnome
ro: Clientul Gnome pentru ascultat muzică
pt-BR: Reprodutor Multimídia do GNOME
gl: Cliente de reprodución de música de Gnome
zh-CN: Gnome 音乐播放器客户端
ru: Клиент музыкального проигрывателя Gnome
fr: Client de lecture de musique GNOME (gmpc)
C: Gnome Music Player Client
da: Gnome musik afspiller
ca: Client de reproducció de música del GNOME
sv: Gnome Music Player Client
sq: Clienti Gnome për player muzike
bg: Gnome Музикален Плеър
es: Cliente de reproducción de música de GNOME
ar: عميل مشغل المسيقى لجِنوم
it: Gnome Music Player Client
tr: Gnome Muzik Çalıcı İstemcisi
cs: Gnome Music Player Client
id: Gnome Music Player Client
fi: Gnomen musiikkisoitinasiakas
bs: Gnome muzički player klijent
et: Gnome Music Player Client
pl: Gnome Music Player Client
en-GB: Gnome Music Player Client
en-CA: Gnome Music Player Client
bn: জিনম মিউজিক প্লেয়ার ক্লায়েন্ট
hu: Gnome zenelejátszókliens
nl: Gnome Music Player Client
jv: Gnome Musik Player Client
en-CA: A gnome frontend for the mpd daemon
es: Una interfaz GNOME para el demonio MPD
pt: Um cliente gnome para o mpd daemon
zh-CN: 一个 mpd 守护进程的 gnome 前端
sv: Ett GNOME-gränssnitt för MPD-demonen
en-GB: A gnome frontend for the mpd daemon
ca: Un frontal GNOME per al dimoni MPD
it: Un'interfaccia per gnome del demone mpd
fi: Gnome-käyttöliittymä MPD-palvelulle
tr: Mpd süreci için bir gnome arayüzü
de: Ein Gnome-Front-End für den Music Player Daemon
et: GNOME liides mpd teenusele
fr: Une interface GNOME pour le démon mpd
oc: Una interfàcia GNOME pel demòni mpd
nb: Et gnome-grensesnitt for mpd-serveren
he: מנשק GNOME עבור סוכן ה־mpd
id: Gnome frontend untuk mpd daemon
C: A gnome frontend for the mpd daemon
cs: Grafické rozhraní pro mpd démona
bg: GNOME клиент за MPD
pl: Klient GNOME serwera MPD
ms: Frontend gnome untuk daemon mpd
sq: Nisja e proçesit mpd nga Gnome
pt-BR: Uma interface em gnome para o mpd
ro: O interfață pentru demonul mpd
hu: Gnome felület az mpd démonhoz
bs: Gnome frontend za mpd daemon
nl: Een gnome front-end voor de Music Player Daemon
gl: Unha interface gnome para o daemon mpd
ru: Клиент к демону MPD для среды GNOME
C: >-
<p>A graphical client for Music Player Daemon. Features include: * Support for loading/saving playlists * File Browser
* Browser based on ID3 information * Search * Current playlist viewer with search * ID3 Information * Cover art (via
en: >-
<p>A graphical client for Music Player Daemon. Features include: * Support for loading/saving playlists * File Browser
* Browser based on ID3 information * Search * Current playlist viewer with search * ID3 Information * Cover art (via
- AudioVideo
- name: gmpc_gmpc.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: gmpc_gmpc.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gmpc_gmpc.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: g/gm/gmpc.desktop/6aa665615622fc1993a0fc3089f981db/icons/128x128/gmpc_gmpc.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: gmpc
- gmpc.desktop