⇦ | pyqso [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:15 [UTC]

Metadata for pyqso in main

pyqso.desktop - 1.1.0-3 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: pyqso.desktop
Package: pyqso
  C: PyQSO
  C: Contact Logging Tool
  C: >-
    <p>PyQSO is a logging tool for amateur radio operators. It provides a simple graphical interface through which users can
    manage information about the contacts/QSOs they make with other operators on the air. All information is stored in a light-weight
    SQL database. Other key features include:</p>

    <p> * Customisable interface (e.g. only show callsign and frequency information).  * Import and export logs in ADIF format. 
    * Perform callsign lookups and auto-fill data fields using the qrz.com    database.  * Sort the logs by individual fields. 
    * Print a hard-copy of logs, or print to PDF.  * Connect to Telnet-based DX clusters.  * Progress tracker for the DXCC
    award.  * Grey line plotter.  * Filter out QSOs based on the callsign field (e.g. only display contacts    with callsigns
    beginning with “M6”).  * Remove duplicate QSOs.  * Basic support for the Hamlib library.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>PyQSO is a logging tool for amateur radio operators. It provides a simple graphical interface through which users can
    manage information about the contacts/QSOs they make with other operators on the air. All information is stored in a light-weight
    SQL database. Other key features include:</p>

    <p> * Customisable interface (e.g. only show callsign and frequency information).  * Import and export logs in ADIF format. 
    * Perform callsign lookups and auto-fill data fields using the qrz.com    database.  * Sort the logs by individual fields. 
    * Print a hard-copy of logs, or print to PDF.  * Connect to Telnet-based DX clusters.  * Progress tracker for the DXCC
    award.  * Grey line plotter.  * Filter out QSOs based on the callsign field (e.g. only display contacts    with callsigns
    beginning with “M6”).  * Remove duplicate QSOs.  * Basic support for the Hamlib library.</p>
- Utility
- HamRadio
  - Ham Radio
  - Logbook
  - name: pyqso_log_64x64.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - pyqso.desktop