Type: icon-theme
ID: io.elementary.icons
Package: elementary-icon-theme
en_GB: elementary Icons
he: סמלי elementary
ja: elementary アイコン
ca: Icones de l'elementary
pt: Ícones do elementary
tr: elementary Simgeleri
pl: Ikony elementary
fr: Icônes d'elementary
ckb: ئایکۆنەکانی ئێلەمێنتەری
uk: Піктограми elementary
C: elementary Icons
cs: Ikony elementary
en_AU: elementary Icons
hu: elementary ikonok
ru: Иконки elementary
en_CA: elementary Icons
en_GB: Named, vector icons for elementary OS
he: סמלים וקטוריים עם שמות ל־elementary OS
ja: elementary OS 用の名前付きベクターアイコン
ca: Icones vectorials amb nom per l'elementary OS
pt: Nomeados, ícones vectoriais para o elementary OS
tr: elementary OS için adlandırılmış vektör simgeleri
pl: Nazwane ikony wektorowe dla elementary OS
fr: Icônes vectorielles nommées pour elementary OS
ckb: ناونراوەکان، ئایکۆنە ڤیکتۆرەکانی سیستەمی ئێلەمێنتەری
uk: Названі, векторні піктограми для elementary OS
C: Named, vector icons for elementary OS
cs: Nazvané, vektorové ikony pro elementary OS
en_AU: Named, vector icons for elementary OS
hu: Nevesített vektorikonok elementary OS-hez
ru: Именованные, векторные иконки для elementary OS
en_CA: Named, vector icons for elementary OS
he: >-
<p>ערכה מקורית של סמלים וקטוריים שעוצבו במיוחד ל־elementary OS ולסביבת שולחן העבודה שלה: Pantheon.</p>
tr: >-
<p>elementary OS ve masaüstü ortamı için özel olarak tasarlanmış orijinal vektör simgeleri seti: Pantheon.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Un ensemble d'icônes vectorielles originales conçues spécifiquement pour elementary OS et son environnement de bureau
: Pantheon.</p>
cs: >-
<p>Původní sada vektorových ikon navržených konkrétně pro elementary OS a jeho desktopové prostředí: Pantheon.</p>
pt: >-
<p>Um conjunto original de ícones vetoriais projetados especificamente para o elementary OS e seu ambiente de trabalho:
pl: >-
<p>Oryginalny zbiór ikon wektorowych zaprojektowany specjalnie dla elementary OS i jego środowiska pulpitu: Pantheonu.</p>
ja: >-
<p>elementary OS とそのデスクトップ環境 (Pantheon) 用にデザインされた、オリジナルのベクターアイコンのセットです。</p>
uk: >-
<p>Оригінальний набір векторних піктограм, розроблених спеціально для elementary OS та її стільничного середовища: Pantheon.</p>
hu: >-
<p>Egy eredeti vektorikon-gyűjtemény kifejezetten az elementary OS és annak asztali környezete, a Pantheon számára tervezve.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>An original set of vector icons designed specifically for elementary OS and its desktop environment: Pantheon.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>An original set of vector icons designed specifically for elementary OS and its desktop environment: Pantheon.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Оригинальный набор векторных иконок, разработанный специально для elementary OS и её среды рабочего стола: Pantheon.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>An original set of vector icons designed specifically for elementary OS and its desktop environment: Pantheon.</p>
C: >-
<p>An original set of vector icons designed specifically for elementary OS and its desktop environment: Pantheon.</p>
ca: >-
<p>Un conjunt original d'icones vectorials dissenyades específicament per a l'elementary OS i el seu entorn d'escriptori:
sk: elementary, Inc.
en_GB: elementary, Inc.
he: elementary בע״מ.
pt: elementary, Inc.
ml: elementary, Inc.
ja: elementary, Inc.
tr: elementary, Inc.
pl: elementary, Inc.
fr: elementary, Inc.
ckb: کۆمپانیای ئێلەمێنتەری هاوپشک.
de: elementary, Inc.
uk: elementary, Inc.
C: elementary, Inc.
cs: elementary, Inc.
en_AU: elementary, Inc.
ca: elementary, Inc.
zh_CN: elementary, Inc.
hu: elementary, Inc.
ko: elementary, Inc.
nl: elementary, Inc.
ru: elementary, Inc.
en_CA: elementary, Inc.
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Pantheon
homepage: https://elementary.io
bugtracker: https://github.com/elementary/icons/issues
- name: elementary-icon-theme_preferences-desktop-theme.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: elementary-icon-theme_preferences-desktop-theme.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: preferences-desktop-theme
- locale: en_US
percentage: 100
- version: 7.2.0
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1674518400
urgency: medium
C: >-
<li>Symlink to "application-x-xpinstall" for web extension files</li>
<p>Updated families:</p>
<li>"applications-development" uses a purple tile and the same hammer glyph as build system file types</li>
<li>"system-file-manager" is blue and tile shaped</li>
<li>"accessories-calculator" redesigned as a tile shape</li>
<li>Update the border radius of several tile-shaped icons</li>
<li>"view-*" symbolic icons</li>
- id: Normalize width of key next to backspace in "input-keyboard"
url: https://github.com/elementary/icons/issues/1136
- version: 7.1.0
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1665014400
urgency: medium
C: >-
<li>Flash file types</li>
<p>Updated families:</p>
<li>Clean up "preferences-desktop-workspaces"</li>
<li>Update "preferences-desktop" to new tile shape</li>
<li>Update "image-missing" to new tile shape</li>
<li>Update "preferences-desktop-keyboard" to new tile shape</li>
<li>Update "document-import" and "document-export" to new tile shape</li>
<li>Update many file types with new arrow shape</li>
<li>"application-default-icon" is now brightly colored</li>
<li>"media-stop" is now a square</li>
<li>Round symbolic location status icons</li>
<li>Use an outlined shape for symbolic tag icons</li>
<li>Use a rounded star for symbolic bookmark icons</li>
<li>Redesign Night Light</li>
<li>Use latest Flatpak branding</li>
<li>Symbolic volume icons use a rounded shape and a slash when muted</li>
<p>Other Changes:</p>
<li>Fix broken link for SVG file types</li>
<li>Fix missing links for PGP file types</li>
<li>Scale some icons to more sizes</li>
- version: 7.0.0
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1650844800
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Updated families:</p>
<li>Redesign media-playlist-repeat</li>
<li>Update media-playlist-shuffle and media-playlist-consecutive</li>
<li>Rounder square icons</li>
<li>Rounded arrow corners on Downloads folder</li>
<li>Deb and Flatpak Bundle files use a package metaphor</li>
<li>Updates arrow points up</li>
<li>Redesigned package with new colors</li>
<li>Non-FDO network-*</li>
<li>Non-FDO app icons</li>
- version: 6.1.0
type: stable
unix-timestamp: 1637625600
urgency: medium
C: >-
<p>Updated families:</p>
<li>Additional sizes for playlist-queue</li>
<li>Redesign PDF file type</li>
<li>Additional sizes for emblem-downloads</li>
<li>Remove arrows from Copy and Paste actions</li>
violence-cartoon: none
violence-fantasy: none
violence-realistic: none
violence-bloodshed: none
violence-sexual: none
violence-desecration: none
violence-slavery: none
violence-worship: none
drugs-alcohol: none
drugs-narcotics: none
drugs-tobacco: none
sex-nudity: none
sex-themes: none
sex-homosexuality: none
sex-prostitution: none
sex-adultery: none
sex-appearance: none
language-profanity: none
language-humor: none
language-discrimination: none
social-chat: none
social-info: none
social-audio: none
social-location: none
social-contacts: none
money-purchasing: none
money-gambling: none