Type: desktop-application
ID: basket.desktop
Package: basket
nb: Kurvnotat
es: Blocs de notas BasKet
fr: Blocs notes BasKet
nn: Korgnotat
de: BasKet Notizblätter
ja: BasKet メモパッド
pt: Bloco de Notas BasKet
it: Blocco appunti BasKet
C: BasKet Note Pads
ru: Альбом заметок BasKet
tr: Basket
nb: Ta vare på tankene dine.
es: Cuidando de sus ideas.
fr: Prendre soin de vos idées.
nn: Ta vare på tankane dine.
de: Bewahren Sie Ihre Ideen.
ja: あなたのアイデアのお世話をします。
pt: Cuidando das suas ideias.
it: Ci prendiamo cura delle tue idee
C: Taking care of your ideas.
ru: Заботимся о ваших идеях.
tr: Not Tutma Aracı
C: >-
<p>This application provides as many baskets (drawers) as you wish; Several kinds of objects (texts, URLs, images,...)
can be drag-n-drop'd into it.</p>
<p>Objects can be edited, copied, dragged... So, they can be arranged according to users' taste. Moreover, Basket
allows you to keep all objects you want in one place, keep data on hand, take notes...</p>
en: >-
<p>This application provides as many baskets (drawers) as you wish; Several kinds of objects (texts, URLs, images,...)
can be drag-n-drop'd into it.</p>
<p>Objects can be edited, copied, dragged... So, they can be arranged according to users' taste. Moreover, Basket
allows you to keep all objects you want in one place, keep data on hand, take notes...</p>
- Office
- name: basket_basket.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: basket_basket.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: basket_basket.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: b/ba/basket.desktop/71bb7cd80e9baef8cdd90dd567854480/icons/128x128/basket_basket.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: basket
- basket.desktop
- application/x-basket-archive
- application/x-basket-template
- application/x-basket-item