⇦ | bluefish [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for bluefish in main

bluefish.desktop - 2.2.12-1.1+b2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: bluefish.desktop
Package: bluefish
  nl: Bluefish Editor
  es: Editor Bluefish
  zh-CN: Bluefish 编辑器
  sk: Bluefish editor
  ja: Bluefish エディタ
  ca: Editor Bluefish
  en: Bluefish Editor
  pt: Editor Bluefish
  it: Editor Bluefish
  de: Bluefish Editor
  fr: Éditeur Bluefish
  nb: Bluefish skriveprogram
  fa: ویراستار بلوفیش
  C: Bluefish Editor
  uk: Редактор Bluefish
  cs: Editor Bluefish
  nn: Bluefish skriveprogram
  pl: Edytor Bluefish
  eu: Bluefish editorea
  pt-BR: Bluefish Editor
  ro: Editorul Bluefish
  hu: Bluefish szerkesztő
  ko: Bluefish 편집기
  da: Bluefish Redigeringsprogram
  gl: Bluefish Editor
  ru: Веб-редактор Bluefish
  nl: Webontwikkelingseditor
  es: Editor de desarrollo web
  ja: ウェブ開発エディタ
  ca: Editor de Desenvolupament Web
  en: Web Development Editor
  pt: Editor de Desenvolvimento Web
  it: Editor di Sviluppo Web
  de: Editorprogramm zur Webentwicklung
  fr: Éditeur de développement web
  nb: Skriveprogram for nettsideutvikling
  fa: ویرایشگر ویراستار برای توسعه وب‬
  C: Web Development Editor
  uk: Редактор для веб-розробки
  cs: Editor pro vývojáře webů
  nn: Skriveprogram for nettsideutvikling
  pl: Edytor stron www
  eu: Web garapenerako editorea
  pt-BR: Editor de Desenvolvimento Web
  zh-CN: 网页开发编辑器
  hu: A webfejlesztők szerkesztője
  ko: 웹 개발 편집기
  da: Redigeringsprogram til webudvikling
  gl: Editor de desenvolmento web
  ru: Редактор для веб-разработки
  C: >-
    <p>Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites,
    scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programming and markup languages and has many features,

    <p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion  - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
    WebDAV, etc.  - Site upload and download  - Powerful search and replace engine  - Customizable integration of external
    programs such as lint, make, etc  - Snippets plugin to automate often used code  - Code-aware in-line spell checking 
    - Zencoding or Emmet support  - Bookmarks panel</p>

    <p>but is still lightweight and fast.</p>

    <p>For validation of CSS/HTML/XML documents you need csstidy, tidy, weblint and/or xmllint. For preview to work, you need
    a web browser that can view local files given to it on the command line. For PHP or Python bluefish supports php-codesniffer
    and pylint. Tools not suggested but supported are make, perl, php5-cli and java-compiler.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites,
    scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programming and markup languages and has many features,

    <p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion  - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
    WebDAV, etc.  - Site upload and download  - Powerful search and replace engine  - Customizable integration of external
    programs such as lint, make, etc  - Snippets plugin to automate often used code  - Code-aware in-line spell checking 
    - Zencoding or Emmet support  - Bookmarks panel</p>

    <p>but is still lightweight and fast.</p>

    <p>For validation of CSS/HTML/XML documents you need csstidy, tidy, weblint and/or xmllint. For preview to work, you need
    a web browser that can view local files given to it on the command line. For PHP or Python bluefish supports php-codesniffer
    and pylint. Tools not suggested but supported are make, perl, php5-cli and java-compiler.</p>
- Development
- WebDevelopment
  - programación
  - código
  - web
  - editor
  - desarrollo
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - プログラミング
  - コード
  - ウェブ
  - エディタ
  - 開発
  - HTML
  - PHP
  - Python
  - programació
  - codi
  - web
  - editor
  - desenvolupament
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - programmazione
  - codice
  - web
  - editor
  - sviluppo
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - Programmierung
  - Code
  - Web
  - Editor
  - Entwicklung
  - HTML
  - PHP
  - Python
  - programmation
  - code
  - web
  - éditeur
  - ' développement'
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - programmering
  - kode
  - web
  - editor
  - utvikling
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - برنامه نویسی
  - ' کد'
  - ' وب'
  - ' ویرایشگر'
  - ' توسعه'
  - ' اچ تی ام ال '
  - ' پی اچ پی'
  - ' پایتون'
  - programming
  - code
  - web
  - editor
  - development
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - programming
  - code
  - web
  - editor
  - development
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - програмування
  - код
  - редактор
  - веб
  - інтернет
  - розробка
  - пітон
  - programování
  - kód
  - kódování
  - web
  - www
  - editor
  - vývoj
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - programming
  - code
  - web
  - editor
  - development
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - programowanie
  - kod
  - sieć
  - edytor
  - rozwój
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - programozás
  - kód
  - web
  - szerkesztő
  - fejlesztés
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - programmering
  - kode
  - web
  - editor
  - udvikling
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - programming
  - code
  - web
  - ontwikkeling
  - development
  - html
  - php
  - python
  - name: bluefish_bluefish.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: bluefish_bluefish.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: bluefish_bluefish.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: b/bl/bluefish.desktop/389ee7f1497ce497b433a97dbfb43534/icons/128x128/bluefish_bluefish.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: bluefish
  - bluefish.desktop
  - text/html
  - text/css
  - text/x-javascript
  - text/x-python
  - text/x-perl
  - application/x-php
  - text/x-java
  - text/javascript
  - text/x-php
  - application/x-cgi
  - application/x-javascript
  - application/x-perl
  - application/x-python
  - application/xhtml+xml
  - text/mathml
  - text/x-csrc
  - text/x-chdr
  - text/x-dtd
  - text/x-sql
  - text/xml
  - application/x-bluefish-project