Type: desktop-application
ID: gnubiff.desktop
Package: gnubiff
C: Gnubiff
vi: Gnubiff là một chương trình thông báo thư.
id: Gnubiff adalah sebuah aplikasi untuk memberitahu datangnya surat.
fr: Gnubiff est un programme de notification de courrier
fr-CA: Gnubiff est un programme de notification de courrier
de: Gnubiff ist ein Programm zur Briefkastenüberwachung.
fr-FR: Gnubiff est un programme de notification de courrier
nl: Gnubiff is een postmeldingsprogramma
hu: A gnubiff egy levéljelző program.
fi: Gnubiff on sähköpostin ilmoitusohjelma.
eo: Gnubiff estas retpoŝt-atentiga programo.
C: Gnubiff is a mail notification program.
pt: Gnubiff é um programa de aviso de novas mensagens.
sr: Гнубиф је програм за обавештавање о пошти.
sv: Gnubiff är ett meddelandenotiferingsprogram.
pt-BR: Gnubiff é um programa de aviso de novas mensagens.
C: >-
<p>gnubiff checks for mail within a file, a qmail or MH style dir, or an IMAP4 or POP3 or APOP server. It can display
headers (number, sender, subject, and date) when new mail has arrived.</p>
<p>While gnubiff is implemented as a GNOME panel applet, it also runs as an independent icon on the desktop in other environments.</p>
en: >-
<p>gnubiff checks for mail within a file, a qmail or MH style dir, or an IMAP4 or POP3 or APOP server. It can display
headers (number, sender, subject, and date) when new mail has arrived.</p>
<p>While gnubiff is implemented as a GNOME panel applet, it also runs as an independent icon on the desktop in other environments.</p>
- Network
- Email
- name: gnubiff_gnubiff.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: gnubiff
- gnubiff.desktop