⇦ | keepassxc [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for keepassxc in main

org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop - 2.7.4+dfsg.1-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop
Package: keepassxc
  C: KeePassXC
  C: Community-driven port of the Windows application “KeePass Password Safe”
  de: Von der Community entwickelter Port der Windows Anwendung “KeePass Password Safe”
  C: >-
                KeePassXC is an application for people with extremely high demands on secure
                personal data management. It has a light interface, is cross-platform and
                published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
  de: >-
                KeePassXC ist eine Anwendung für Menschen, die extrem hohe Anforderungen
                an die sichere Verwaltung von persönlichen Daten stellen. Sie hat eine leichtgewichtige
                Benutzeroberfläche, ist auf vielen verschiedenen Plattformen verfügbar und
                wird unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License veröffentlicht.
  C: KeePassXC Team
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Utility
- Security
  contribute: https://keepassxc.org/docs#contribute
  homepage: https://keepassxc.org
  bugtracker: https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues
  help: https://keepassxc.org/docs
  translate: https://www.transifex.com/keepassxc/keepassxc
  faq: https://keepassxc.org/docs#faq
  vcs-browser: https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc
  - name: keepassxc_keepassxc.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: keepassxc_keepassxc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: keepassxc_keepassxc.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/aa061850f45f9ffcdc6a090dfd9cbcfe/icons/128x128/keepassxc_keepassxc.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: keepassxc
  - org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop
  - application/x-keepass2
- version: 2.7.4
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1667001600
    C: >-
        <li>Add 2 months expiration preset [#8687]</li>
        <li>CLI: Add Unicode support on Windows [#8618]</li>
        <li>Fix crash on macOS when unlocking database [#8676]</li>
        <li>Fix display of passwords in preview panel [#8633]</li>
        <li>Fix clicking links in entry preview panel [#8644]</li>
        <li>Prevent expired entries search if no results returned [#8643]</li>
        <li>Browser: Revert code causing connection problems [#8665]</li>
        <li>Browser: Fix socket file symbolic link on Linux [#8656]</li>
        <li>Flatpak: Fix launching browser proxy service [#8680]</li>
        <li>SSH Agent: Fix paegent support on Windows [#8619]</li>
- version: 2.7.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1666483200
    C: >-
        <li>Enhance Tags Support and Add Saved Searches [#8435, #8607]</li>
        <li>Significant improvements to entry preview panel [#7993]</li>
        <li>Add password strength indicator to all password fields [#7885]</li>
        <li>Limit zxcvbn entropy estimation length to 128 characters [#7748]</li>
        <li>Try full URL path when fetching favicon [#8565]</li>
        <li>Hide usernames in preview panel when hidden in entry view [#8608]</li>
        <li>Enable dark title bar on windows when accent color is not used [#8498]</li>
        <li>Add option to display passwords in color in preview panel [#7097]</li>
        <li>Add XML Export option to GUI [#8524]</li>
        <li>Increase entropy required for a "good" password rating to 75 [#8523]</li>
        <li>Add shortcut to copy password with TOTP appended [#8443]</li>
        <li>Show entry count in status bar [#8435]</li>
        <li>Allow KeePassXC to be built without X11 [#8147]</li>
        <li>Enable use of VivoKey Apex and Dangerous Things FlexSecure tokens [#8332]</li>
        <li>Add setting for number of recent files [#8239]</li>
        <li>Add Ctrl+Tab shortcut to cycle databases in unlock dialog [#8168]</li>
        <li>Replace offensive words in eff_large.wordlist [#7968]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: PICKCHARS can specify attribute and ignore BEEP [#8118]</li>
        <li>Linux: Add isHardwareKeySupported and refreshHardwareKeys to DBus methods [#8055]</li>
        <li>Add config variable to specify default database file name [#8042]</li>
        <li>CLI: Add `db-edit` command [#8400]</li>
        <li>CLI: Add option to display all attributes with `show` command [#8256]</li>
        <li>CLI: Show UUID and tags with `show` and `clip` commands [#8241]</li>
        <li>Browser: Move socket into separate directory on Linux [#8030]</li>
        <li>Browser: Add group setting to omit WWW subdomain when matching URLs [#7988]</li>
        <li>FdoSecrets: Ask to unlock the database when creating items [#8022, #8028]</li>
        <li>FdoSecrets: Skip entries in recycle bin when searching [#8021]</li>
        <li>Fix potential deadlock in UI when saving [#8606]</li>
        <li>Fix newlines when copying notes from preview panel [#8542]</li>
        <li>Fix dark mode detection on Linux [#8477]</li>
        <li>Fix crash when deleting items in recycle bin while searching [#8117]</li>
        <li>Fix crash when trying to close database during unlock [#8144]</li>
        <li>Fix tabbing around the interface [#8435, #8520]</li>
        <li>Fix OPVault import when there are multiple OTP fields [#8436]</li>
        <li>Fix various Windows Hello bugs [#8354]</li>
        <li>Fix use of Apple Watch for Quick Unlock [#8311]</li>
        <li>Better handling of "Lock on Minimize" setting [#8202]</li>
        <li>Support numeric aware sorting on Windows and macOS [#8363]</li>
        <li>Check for write permission before entering portable mode [#8447]</li>
        <li>Correct regex escape logic to prevent parse errors [#7778]</li>
        <li>Normalize slashes and file case for last used databases [#7864, #7214]</li>
        <li>Link ykcore against pthread [#7807]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Fix menu entries in selection dialog on Windows [#7987]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Fix use of modifiers under macOS [#8111]</li>
        <li>CLI: Fix output when using clip with the -t flag [#8271]</li>
        <li>Browser: Use asynchronous access confirm dialog [#8273]</li>
        <li>Browser: Always send database locked/unlocked status [#8114]</li>
- version: 2.7.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1649116800
    C: >-
        <li>Show when tags are changed in entry history [#7638]</li>
        <li>Improve tags editing and allow spaces in tags [#7708]</li>
        <li>Improve layout of entry preview panel [#7767]</li>
        <li>Incorporate patches to support Flatpak distribution [#7728]</li>
        <li>Add expiration presets for 12 and 24 hours [#7738]</li>
        <li>Fix crash when building history change list [#7638]</li>
        <li>Fix hiding password on database unlock [#7725]</li>
        <li>Fix AES KDF slow transform speed [#7755]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Correct timing issue on macOS and Linux that prevented typing [#7588]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Fix use of Ctrl/Alt/Shift/Win modifiers on Windows [#7629]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Reduce/eliminate delay when searching for entries [#7598]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Map ASCII dead keys on Linux for international keyboards [#7614]</li>
        <li>CLI: Fix detection of hardware keys (YubiKey) [#7593]</li>
        <li>CLI: Add missing parameter `-c` to add/edit entries command [#7594]</li>
        <li>Secret Service: Fix crash when multiple prompts are shown [#7786]</li>
        <li>SSH Agent: Fix default agent selection on Windows [#7764]</li>
        <li>Fix database unlock dialog not being the top window on Linux [#7771]</li>
        <li>Fix drag/drop entries between tabs on Wayland [#7628]</li>
        <li>Fix compiling with minizip-ng [#7638]</li>
- version: 2.7.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1647820800
    C: >-
        <li>Implement KDBX 4.1 [#7114]</li>
        <li>Add direct write save option for cloud storage and GVFS [#6594]</li>
        <li>Prevent screen capture on Windows and macOS [#6030]</li>
        <li>Support quick unlock using Windows Hello [#7384]</li>
        <li>Support quick unlock using Apple Watch [#5526]</li>
        <li>Allow specifying database backup paths [#7035]</li>
        <li>Add tag functionality [#6487][#7436][#7446]</li>
        <li>Add password rating column to entry view [#4797]</li>
        <li>Add group clone action [#6124]</li>
        <li>Show modifications between entry history items [#6789]</li>
        <li>Ability to bulk-delete and purge unused custom icons [#5970]</li>
        <li>Support adding custom passphrase wordlists [#6799]</li>
        <li>Support passphrase wordlists in numbered and PGP-signed formats [#6791]</li>
        <li>Implement support for hardware keys via wireless NFC [#6895]</li>
        <li>SSH Agent: Add support for OpenSSH 8.2 FIDO/U2F keys [#6371]</li>
        <li>CLI: Implement attachment handling [#5538]</li>
        <li>CLI: Add support for okon in offline HIBP checks [#5478]</li>
        <li>CLI: Implement `search` command and remove `locate` [#6805]</li>
        <li>CLI: Add db statistic output to `db-info` command [#7032]</li>
        <li>CLI: Add -i/--include option to `generate` command. [#7112]</li>
        <li>CLI: Add a -n (--notes) option to `add` and `edit` commands [#4646]</li>
        <li>CLI: Add keyfile option to `import` command [#5402]</li>
        <li>CLI: Adding a best option to clip to copy a password of the best match [#4489]</li>
        <li>Browser: Add Microsoft Edge support on Linux [#7100]</li>
        <li>Browser: Support native password generator from the extension [#6529]</li>
        <li>Browser: Add group settings [#4180]</li>
        <li>Browser: Add feature to ignore entries for HTTP-Auth Logins [#5394]</li>
        <li>Browser: Support triggering Auto-Type from browser extension [#6272]</li>
        <li>Browser: Add delete-entry command to API [#6899]</li>
        <li>Browser: Add search 'by-path' url to API [#5535]</li>
        <li>Browser: search for entries by UUID to API [#4763]</li>
        <li>Browser: Support auto-download of favicon on entry addition [#7179]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Major improvements to Auto-Type [#5864][#7463][#7435][#7391][#7129][#6400][#6364][#6361][#5283][#7507]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Fix typing to virtual machines on Windows [#7366]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Re-implement X11 keysym emulation [#7098]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Support multiple Xkb layouts [#6247]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Abort keystroke if modifiers held on X11 [#6351][#6357]</li>
        <li>Auto-Type: Add TOTP option to entry level Auto-Type menu [#6675]</li>
        <li>FdoSecrets: Major Refactor and Code Consolidation [#5747][#5660][#7043][#6915]</li>
        <li>FdoSecrets: Implement unlock before search [#6943]</li>
        <li>Reports: Add browser statistics report [#7197]</li>
        <li>Port crypto backend to Botan [#6209]</li>
        <li>Improve attachment handling and security [#6606][#5034][#7083]</li>
        <li>Allow selecting any open database in unlock dialog [#5427]</li>
        <li>KeeShare: Remove checking signed container and QuaZip dependency [#7223]</li>
        <li>Introduce security option to enable copy on double click (default off) [#6433]</li>
        <li>Add 'delete entry without confirm' functionality [#5812]</li>
        <li>Improve macOS and Windows platform integration [#5851]</li>
        <li>Lock only the current database by default [#6652]</li>
        <li>Show expired entries on DB unlock [#7290]</li>
        <li>Update D-Bus adaptor interface class name to match definition file [#7523]</li>
        <li>Add countdown progress bar to TOTP preview [#6930]</li>
        <li>Enter favicon url directly on icons page [#6614]</li>
        <li>Set C++17 as standard in the build system [#7180]</li>
        <li>Internalize ykcore into code base [#6654]</li>
        <li>Transition to Visual Studio builds on Windows [#5874]</li>
        <li>Ability to delete entries from health check reports [#6537]</li>
        <li>Enhance remembering last-used directories [#6711]</li>
        <li>Implement org.freedesktop.appearance.color-scheme support on Linux [#7422]</li>
        <li>Support sorting HTML export [#7011]</li>
        <li>Add display number of characters in passphrases [#5449]</li>
        <li>Use Alt+Tab on macOS to switch between databases [#5407]</li>
        <li>Add feature to sort groups using shortcut keys [#6999]</li>
        <li>Add CTRL+Enter to apply password generator changes [#6414]</li>
        <li>Display `Database created` timestamp on statistics report [#6876]</li>
        <li>Browser: Improve best matching credentials setting [#6893]</li>
        <li>SSH Agent: Use both Pageant and OpenSSH agent simultaneously on Windows [#6288]</li>
        <li>SSH Agent: Allow using database path to resolve keys [#6365]</li>
        <li>SSH Agent: Show correct error messages in main window [#7166]</li>
        <li>Multiple fixes for MSI installer [#6630]</li>
        <li>Fix tab order for CSV import dialog to match screen order [#7315]</li>
        <li>Don't mark kdbx:// urls as invalid [#7221]</li>
        <li>Make selected text copyable instead of copying password [#7209]</li>
        <li>Detect timestamp resolution for CSV files [#7196]</li>
        <li>Fix crash while downloading favicon [#7104]</li>
        <li>Correct naming of newly generated keyx files [#7010]</li>
        <li>Place the 'Recycle Bin' at the bottom of the list when groups are sorted [#7004]</li>
        <li>Handle tilde with custom browser paths [#6659]</li>
        <li>Don't scroll up when deleting an entry [#6833]</li>
        <li>Set the MIME-Type to text/plain when using wl-copy on wayland [#6832]</li>
        <li>Fix adaptive icon painting [#5989][#6033]</li>
        <li>Fix favicon download from URL with non-standard port [#5509]</li>
        <li>Ignore recycle bin on KeePassHTTP migration [#5481]</li>
        <li>Fix keepassxc-cr-recovery utility [#7521]</li>
        <li>Fix Auto-Type not working when audio recording indicator is active on macOS 12.2+ [#7526]</li>
  oars-1.0: {}