⇦ | sync-ui [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for sync-ui in main

sync.desktop - 2.0.0-3+b1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: sync.desktop
Package: sync-ui
  nl: Synchronisatie
  es: Sincronizador
  sv: Synkronisering
  zh-CN: 同步
  ro: Sincronizare
  en-US: Sync
  en-GB: Sync
  ca: Sincronització
  it: Sincronizzazione
  fi: Synkkaus
  sk: Synchronizovať
  de: Synchronisation
  fr: Synchronisation
  pl: Synchronizuj
  ja: 同期化
  id: Selaraskan
  ast: Sincronizador
  C: Sync
  zh-TW: 同步
  pt-BR: Sincronização
  ar: تزامن
  hu: Szinkronizálás
  ko: 동기화
  da: Synkronisering
  gl: Sincronizar
  ru: Синхронизация
  nl: Niet veroudert
  es: Al día
  sv: Uppdaterad
  zh-CN: 同步数据
  ro: La zi
  en-US: Up to date
  en-GB: Up to date
  ca: Actualitzat
  it: Aggiornato
  fi: Ajantasalla
  tr: Güncel
  de: Aktuell bleiben
  fr: À jour
  pl: Aktualny
  ja: 最新の情報に更新
  id: Terkini
  ast: Al día
  C: Up to date
  zh-TW: 已是最新
  pt-BR: Atualizado
  ar: محتلن
  hu: Friss
  ko: 최신
  da: Fuldt opdatereret
  gl: Actualizado
  ru: Обновлено
  C: >-
    <p>SyncEvolution synchronizes contact, calendar and task items via SyncML and CalDAV/CardDAV with other servers or devices.
    It uses the Evolution Data Server to sync PIM data in Evolution, but a plain file storage is also supported. Data exchange
    can happen via HTTP(S) and Bluetooth. Full, one-way and incremental synchronization of items are supported. SyncEvolution
    can act as a SyncML/DAV client and SyncML server.</p>

    <p>This package provides a GTK+ graphical user interface.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>SyncEvolution synchronizes contact, calendar and task items via SyncML and CalDAV/CardDAV with other servers or devices.
    It uses the Evolution Data Server to sync PIM data in Evolution, but a plain file storage is also supported. Data exchange
    can happen via HTTP(S) and Bluetooth. Full, one-way and incremental synchronization of items are supported. SyncEvolution
    can act as a SyncML/DAV client and SyncML server.</p>

    <p>This package provides a GTK+ graphical user interface.</p>
- Network
  - name: sync-ui_sync.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: sync-ui_sync.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: sync
  - sync.desktop