⇦ | synfigstudio [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-14 08:14 [UTC]

Metadata for synfigstudio in main

org.synfig.SynfigStudio - 1.5.1-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ arm64

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.synfig.SynfigStudio
Package: synfigstudio
  C: Synfig Studio
  es: Crea y edita composiciones y animaciones 2D
  zh-TW: 建立和編輯 2D動畫及創作
  zh-CN: 创建、编辑 2D 动画或静态图像
  ru: Создание двухмерной анимации
  sr-RS: Ствaрајте и уређујте 2-димензионалне покретне слике и композиције
  ca-valencia: Crea i edita composicions i animacions en 2D
  it: Crea e modifica animazioni e composizioni 2D
  sv-SE: Skapa och redigera 2D-animationer och -kompositioner
  pt: Criar e editar animações 2D e composições
  tr: 2B animasyonlar ve kompozisyonlar oluşturun ve düzenleyin
  de: Erstellen und bearbeiten Sie 2D-Animationen und -Kompositionen
  fr: Créer et éditer des animations et compositions 2D
  sl: Ustvari in urejaj 2D animacijo in sestavke
  C: Create and edit 2D animations and compositions
  cs: Vytvoření a úprava 2D animace a kompozice
  ko-KR: 2D 애니메이션과 구성을 생성하고 편집합니다
  eu-ES: Sortu eta editatu 2D animazioak eta konposizioak
  eu: Sortu eta editatu 2D animazioak eta konposizioak
  pt-BR: Criar e editar animações 2D e composições
  ar: اصنع وعدل رسوم متحركة وتراكيب ثنائية الابعاد 2d
  sk-SK: Vytvárajte a meňte 2D animácie a kompozície
  bs: Kreiraj i uređuj 2D animacije i kompozicije
  nl: Maak en bewerk 2D-animaties en composities
  da: Skab og rediger 2D animationer og opstillinger
  pl-PL: Tworzenie i edycja animacji i kompozycji  2D
  C: >-
    <p>synfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation.
    It eliminates the need for tweening, preventing the need to hand-draw each frame.</p>

    <p>This package contains the graphical user interface for synfig.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>synfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation.
    It eliminates the need for tweening, preventing the need to hand-draw each frame.</p>

    <p>This package contains the graphical user interface for synfig.</p>
- Graphics
- 2DGraphics
- VectorGraphics
  - 2D
  - Vector
  - Animation
  - Cartoon
  - Anime
  - FX
  - Draw
  - Flash
  - ToonBoom
  - Moho
  - name: synfigstudio_org.synfig.SynfigStudio.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: synfigstudio_org.synfig.SynfigStudio.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: synfigstudio_org.synfig.SynfigStudio.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/synfig/SynfigStudio/fe36c5defb69b5451a7c3f3bdd48c470/icons/128x128/synfigstudio_org.synfig.SynfigStudio.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: org.synfig.SynfigStudio
  - org.synfig.SynfigStudio.desktop
  - application/x-sif